Alana Gamundoy

Alana Gamundoy

Co-Owner, CF-L2 Coach, Prevail Weightlifting Club Coach, and Personal Trainer


CrossFit Level 2

USAW Level 1

CrossFit Gymnastics

CrossFit Kids

CrossFit Powerlifting

Precision Nutrition Level 1

About Coach

I am originally from the island of Oahu and grew up in a small town in Iowa where I played many different sports throughout jr. high and high school. I tried just about every sport, volleyball, track, cross country, and soccer. The one that stuck was cheerleading and cheered all four years of high school. After graduating high school I spent a year at the University of Northern Iowa and decided to move back to Oahu where I eventually was introduced to CrossFit in 2012. I began in a friend’s garage gym and later found a box that became like home to me. I spent hours at that gym, became part of a community that has forged lifelong friendships, and eventually became a coach. I have been coaching CrossFit since 2013 and since then I have continued to try new sports. Alongside CrossFit, I was training Westside Barbell in the conjugate method, competed at an international powerlifting meet, and a few years later got into Olympic lifting and began competing at local and national level meets which led to coaching Olympic lifting classes and athletes at local and national level meets as well.

Turning Point

I have had a few turning points since starting CrossFit in 2013. The first turning point I had was seeing that I could do hard things. I had never lifted a barbell when I was younger and I had never done any type of workout like CrossFit that left me questioning my sanity but also leaving me feeling so good at the end of the workout. CrossFit made me step out of my comfort zone in so many ways. The workouts pushed me to live in that uncomfortable space and the gym itself made me step out of my comfort zone to meet new people who have now become lifelong friends. CrossFit has also made me realize how strong I am and can be and that is the best feeling to be strong! As I got more into powerlifting and later into Olympic lifting I realized that I can be disciplined and that I am someone who will put in the work and effort now when things come up I look back on those days when I’m training 5x a week, training by myself, or going through a hard workout. The most recent turning point has been becoming a mom. Becoming a mom has made me slow down, be more patient, give myself grace, be present, and learn from the different seasons of life we all are in. Being a mother and a coach has inspired me to get my pre & postnatal as well as women’s coaching certifications to be able to help other mothers and women see what they’re capable of and feel inspired and empowered,

Motivation & Passion

My purpose for coaching is to bring people together and build a community of people that are no longer afraid of stepping outside of their comfort zone to see what they are capable of and show that what we do inside of the gym benefits us tremendously outside of the gym in everyday life!

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